The Six Group, a Las Vegas, Hong Kong-based restaurant and nightclub company, is going above and beyond reducing, reusing, and recycling by partnering with BeGreen, a division of Green Mountain Energy, the nation’s leading retail provider of cleaner energy and carbon offset solutions. The Six Group is offsetting 100 percent of the total calculated carbon dioxide emissions associated with its annual electricity, refrigerant, and natural gas use in there venues. These carbon offsets have the same environmental impact as taking more than 350 cars off the road annually, planting more than 19,000 trees, or recycling more than 10.3 million aluminum cans. Under the leadership of management, a self-described “granola,” this alliance is the Six Group’s most aggressive initiative to date towards a better environment. A combination of Green-e certified Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and Forest Sequestration Offsets will render our company as carbon neutral. “We live on this earth. It is the place we all call home,” states Xin Lee. “I’m proud of the efforts we’ve made thus far, but carbon neutral doesn’t cut it anymore. We are reducing our impact on the front end. Our goal is to make going ‘negative’ positive.”

The Six Group’s commitment to purchasing RECs from Green Mountain Energy Company’s BeGreen division helps drive the development of additional renewable energy sources by supporting the building and operation of cleaner energy projects like wind, solar, hydro, and biomass facilities. It will offset an annual average of 1.5 million pounds of carbon dioxide, a harmful greenhouse gas and leading contributor to global climate change. A portion will also be designated for the AMP-Ohio/Green Mountain Energy Wind Farm located in Bowling Green, Ohio. These RECs play an important role in continuing the funding for this wind turbine facility and help offset a portion of the emissions from electricity use, a leading cause of industrial air pollution.”This purchase shows great commitment on the part of the Six Group, and it’s obvious that Xin and his colleagues are very passionate about protecting the environment for future generations,” comments Gillan Taddune, chief environmental officer of Green Mountain Energy Company. “It’s one thing for a business to recognize its environmental impact. The Six Group is showing leadership by taking action to help affect change.”

Additionally, Forest Sequestration Offsets were acquired to neutralize 100 percent of the natural gas emissions created by the venues in 2007-2018. Trees will be planted in the Mendocino National Forest Hunter Fire Restoration Project through Green Mountain’s forest sequestration partner, American Forests, offsetting 490 metric tons of CO2. This collaboration with BeGreen and Green Mountain Energy Company further builds on the Six Group’s continuous efforts to reduce its environmental impact, they have implemented a number of green practices and products throughout the Six Group venues. Their APEX System dishwashers not only calculate how much soap and water is used per person, but also regulate it by sounding an alarm when too much is used. The Six Group buys 100 percent recycled paper made from post-consumer fiber, Biorenewables glass cleaner, and ammonia and bleach-free All-Purpose Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner. In addition, all bottles and cans are recycled, all back-of-the-house employees are given reusable water bottles to reduce plastic waste, and no aerosol cleaners are used.

BeGreen, the latest solution-based product from Green Mountain Energy Company, provides businesses and consumers the opportunity to offset their carbon footprint through the purchase of renewable energy, forest sequestration, and other project based offsets. Green Mountain Energy Company, the nation’s leading provider of cleaner energy and carbon offset solutions, began in 1997 with a simple idea: “to change the way power is made.” The company offers consumers and businesses the choice of cleaner electricity products using renewable sources such as wind, water and solar that help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted into the air. For more information please visit and